Cancer Screening & Diagnosis

Cancer screenings help find cancer early, sometimes even before there are symptoms, when it may be easier to treat or cure.

Cancer tests may involve:

  • Physical exams
  • Lab tests (such as blood or urine samples)
  • Imaging procedures (such as MRIs or ultrasounds)
  • Genetic tests

When Will My Doctor Recommend Screenings?

Even if you have no symptoms, preventive cancer screenings are recommended if you are at risk for certain cancers.

This may mean that you have:

  • A family history
  • A personal history
  • Certain previously identified genetic signs
  • Previous exposure to cancer-causing substances either through smoking or in your workplace
  • Developed a blood clot without a clear reason

Doctors are also more likely to recommend screenings for older patients, but if you have more risk factors, your doctor may suggest screenings at a younger age than usual.

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